Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Food, the Ultimate Salvation

Food, the Ultimate Salvation

Did you everhave a really bad? You flunked you math test. Broke up with your best friend, wentin to take a shower and ran out of the hot water when every inch of you weredripping wet? Stuff like that happens to everyone. Sometimes you are sick ofthe world to give you a break.  So whenyou are taking a break, where do you look for comfort?

A lot ofthings can help like, hanging out with friends, writing a journal, listening tothe music, shooting hoops; the possibilities are never endless. But you knowthat its time to reward yourself when all else fails.  It doesn’t have to have a reason. Rewardingyou self can be for the sake of plain old happiness. An extravagant shoppingspree would definitely help, but you might regret it later if you would besaving the money for a something simple: quite shopping, order a pizza and eat.Have you ever seen that ad about the pizza delivery service on TV? It says:“delivery of happiness”. As much as I hate Indian channels, I find that particularabsolutely right. And its not just pizza; it can be any kind of food tuckinginto the delicious bowl of ice cream can really make life seem worthwhile. The problemis, food works with our brain the same ways as drugs do, and that can be leadto problems. Comfort food that is rich in starch and sugar can be high road to obesity.So instead if digging for happiness can be at the bottom of the bag is potatochips, we can go for healthier alternatives instead.

Food, the Ultimate Salvation

Eating adiet that contains fresher fruits and vegetable can improve behavior. According toa survey conducted by the renowned chef, Jamie Oliver, performance at theschool was much improved when he convinced kids to eat better. Cooking can be agreat place to seek salvation too. Some cooking some thing tasty and eating it,you get to enjoy the food twice! I have read somewhere that when you have aready to eat meal from the market, you end up a lot of plastic packages, whichgoes into landfill.  When you cook fromthe natural ingredients, you are left with vegetable peelings, which make greatcompost! So eating healthy food can also be a plus for the environment becauselocal actions have global effects. There is nothing wrong with drowning youmiseries in food; you just have to be sure that your refuge is “right” kind offood. Comment if you like and agree. 

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