"Just wear loose shorts and do baby powder if you have to." -- Louie, 41, Fed Ex Driver
"Take a dunk in the river when no one's looking." -- Sheri, 47, physical therapist
"A bit of dusting from the green bottle of Gold Bond keeps my butt dry all day. And I drink lots of ice water to keep me cool from the inside out." -- Sam, 31, gym trainer
"If you have a choice of chairs to sit on, pick the hard, wooden ones. Anything with cushions is bound to make you sweat." -- Guy, 28, personal assistant
"Jump in a cold tub of water, ditch the underwear for new ones and stay inside with the air conditioning." -- Trevor, 49, truck driver
"I just keep pulling my boxers away from my ass and deal with it until I'm home." -- Jim, 22, UPS driver
"You don't beat swamp ass. You just have to man up." -- Martin, 59, unemployed
Found this article and thought it was kinda humorous and kinda of all right on point. Swamp Ass is an epidemic that ruins people worldwide. Sometimes impossible to avoid, looks miserable, and usually only around for a few months. Be safe out there and watch your ass, it could be soaked.
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